Our main geosteering event of the year is over! GWC has its new World Cup Winner,Karma Doescher from MCWL Paladin Geological! We are so honored a woman is taking the GWC title of Champion this year! As our competition continues to evolve and grow, we are forever thankful for people like you that make this event a huge success.
This year, we had over 200 participants steering for the Geosteering World Cup championship! From everyone at ROGII, we would like to personally thank those that participated in the GWC this year!
We hope you all had as much fun as we did producing it. Special thanks to our very own Michael Bodack for producing our livestream with Keith Rivera and Stephen Frazier! We would also like to thank our Platinum sponsors GeoVision, Core Geologic, Edge Systems, Terra Guidance, LLC and our Silver sponsors MCWL Paladin Geological and Belloy Geologists!
We'll see y'all next year, for a bigger and better competition! ⭐️💥🏁🎊