Single Gateway to Solo

Effortlessly sync and stream data sources like Email, WITSML, Pason, Nabors, MagVAR, and SQC directly into your SOLO Cloud account. Combine multiple data sources to one well for informed decision-making.

Multiple Sources of Incoming Data?

Solo Feed is built for syncing and streaming multiple geoscience/geosteering applications. Seamlessly aggregate data from multiple vendors at the same time.


On the Sources tab, users can configure
the data sources they intend to Stream
the data from. We support a couple
different sources.

Email Parsing feature seamlessly extracts data from incoming email files, effortlessly integrating it into your projects. No more manual importing hassles! Whether it's logs or trajectory files in CSV, XLS, or XLSX formats, we've got you covered.

Connect multiple WITSML sources to a multiple well, by configuring the WITSML server and establishing a connection to a designed well, users gain access to advanced functionalities such as Trace Mapping, StarSteer Logs Streaming, and Trajectory Streaming

Direct connection for live streaming to Pason and Nabors DataHubs. Connect to stream log and trajectory data.

Direct connection for live streaming of corrected surveys during real-time operations. Through partnerships with MagVar and SuperiorQC, we ensure users have access to the most precise survey data.

Real-Time Data Aggregation and Transformation offers cutting-edge solutions for collecting, enhancing, and converting rig data in real-time. This innovative technology seamlessly connects with WITSML, ensuring accurate and efficient data management.

Communication and Data Loss

Solo Feed enables users to connect to multiple wells with multiple sources. 

Once a connection is established never lose that connection with that Rig. Any user within the company's Solo organization can access the data streamed through feed.

StarSteer Logs Streaming

Experience seamless real-time data integration with StarSteer's Log Streaming feature. Configure streams effortlessly from multiple WITSML servers and other sources. Even when StarSteer is not in use, the data streaming will continue constantly. Reduce the need for multiple accounts per project and enhance accessibility within your organization.

Trajectory Streaming

Experience seamless connectivity with our Trajectory Streaming tab. Stay continuously connected to your real-time trajectory streams with StarSteer closed with a continuous connection to WITSML server. Empower your team to access the WITSML feed within Solo, reducing the need for multiple accounts.

Streaming Status Page

Monitor StarSteer logs, DrillSpot time traces and trajectory from multiple sources for every well in a unified location. With automatic status updates, you have up-to-the-minute data at your fingertips.

Request a License

With Solo Connect quickly integrate your upstream data into any analytical platform.

Request License
Solo Feed

Ready to Get Started?

All ROGII solutions work together in Solo Cloud, which allows users to collaborate and share data in real-time.