Solo Box &

Real-Time Data Aggregation
and Reimagined.

Struggling with real-time data?
Discover how Solo Box tackles common challenges associated with real-time drilling and data collection

Data Outages or Server Downtime

Problem: Rig has temporarily lost internet connection or the Solo WITSML has undergone an unexpected outage. You’ve lost that real-time data during the blackout!

Solution: With Solo Box, internet disruptions won't cause data loss, as it collects and stores rig data onto its local database.

Being equipped with Auto Power On mode, Solo Box automatically turns on once power is restored. The stored and real-time data stream automatically resumes once an internet connection is reestablished.

Solution: With Solo Box, internet disruptions won't cause data loss, as it collects and stores rig data onto its local database.

Depth Shift Issues

Problem: Measurement While Drilling (MWD) tool logs are erroneously plotted against the bit depth or shifted to the wrong offset. Or even worse, the offset changes dynamically.

Solution: Solo Box features a customizable offset setting for each log. Just apply the offset value to a log and get the correct Bit To Survey and Bit To Gamma values.

Moreover, the offsets can be applied to the parameters that are being streamed in from the different WITS packets.

Solution: Solo Box features a customizable offset setting for each log. Just apply the offset value to a log and get the correct Bit To Survey and Bit To Gamma values.

Bad Survey or Log Quality

Problem: Poor data quality is problematic and can impact the geosteering and drilling operations.

Solution: Solo Box can fix and smooth blocky logs.

Solo Box can fix and smooth blocky logs.

Moreover, Solo WITSML™ Store can parse corrected LAS and survey files  from emails sent in by MWD crews or other 3rd parties, allowing you to avoid utilizing unvalidated data in your analysis.

Missing Channels or Logs

Problem: You are preparing to geosteer or monitor a well, but some of the logs or data channels are missing.

Solution: With Solo Box, you control streaming outputs. Apply customized mnemonics, units of measure, and descriptions to your streaming data channels. Create an easy-to-read data structures.

With Solo Box, you control streaming outputs. Apply customized mnemonics, units of measure, and descriptions to your streaming data channels. Create an easy-to-read data structures.

Multilateral Drilling

Problem: During the drilling process, it is necessary to monitor the transition between laterals and reconfigure data reception.

Solution: Solo Box supports the automatic creation of additional 'lateral' wells. These can extend horizontally at various depths or reconnect to previously established 'lateral' wells in BatchDrilling.

Solo Box

With Solo Box, you control streaming outputs. Apply customized mnemonics, units of measure, and descriptions to your streaming data channels. Create an easy-to-read data structures.
Control Rig Data Aggregation from your Desk

No need to call the rig. No need to call a 3rd party provider. You can manage your entire Solo Box fleet from one easy-to-use web interface right from your office computer.

Control Rig Data Aggregation from your Desk
High Frequency Data Enabled Through a Modern Server

Real-time drilling analytics requires true 1-second data. Solo Box utilizes modern code with lossless compression to ensure you receive 1-second data even on low bandwidth connections.

Real-time drilling analytics requires true 1-second data. Solo Box utilizes modern code with lossless compression to ensure you receive 1-second data even on low bandwidth connections.
EDR Vendor Independent

All rig data is streamed through Solo Box, independent of the EDR system provider. If you run multiple EDR systems across your fleet, or if you switch providers at any time, Solo Box will ensure that your data is streamed through a consistent Solo WITSML with standardized log mnemonics.

EDR Vendor Independent
All rig data is streamed through Solo Box, independent of the EDR system provider.

Solo Box and Solo Cloud — One System


  • Utilize data from Solo Box in combination
    with various Source
  • All data is stored indefinitely in the Cloud

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Solo Box & WITSML

Ready to Get Started?

All ROGII solutions work together in Solo Cloud, which allows users to collaborate and share data in real-time.